HC Deb 05 April 1864 vol 174 c478

said, he would beg to ask the Tinder Secretary of State for War, Why the Privilege of Medical Attendance for the Wives and Families, of Clerks and others in the War Department, granted by Circular dated 19th of March, 1857, was not extended to the Wives and Families of the Civil Assistants of the Ordnance Survey Branch of that Department; and why the Privileges contained in the Medical Circular, No. 849, and dated 30th January, 1864, have not been applied to the Wives and Families of the permanent Civil Assistants and others of the Ordnance Survey Branch of the War Department?


said, in reply, that the Circular referred to by the hon. Member was not framed for the purpose of conferring any fresh privileges, but only with a view to regulating the manner in which those already existing should be exercised. The wives and families of the Clerks in some of the Civil Departments of the Army had long been entitled to receive medical assistance under certain circumstances, but it was not considered advisable to extend that system further. He had no objection to lay upon the table Copies of the Circular.