HC Deb 05 March 1863 vol 169 c1114

Order for Committee read.


said, that clauses had been prepared for insertion in the Bill, giving a drawback on the exportation of manufactured tobacco, so as to return to the pockets of the manufacturers as nearly as possible the amount originally paid in duty. He also desired to give notice, so that there might be no misunderstanding, that he intended to ask for a Committee on the Customs Acts, on the following day, in order to introduce into the Tobacco Duties Bill a certain regulation with respect to the duty upon leaf tobacco which contained less than 10 per cent of moisture. In order to establish the system of drawback which he contemplated, and which would be constructed with reference to the quantity of moisture in tobacco, it was necessary for the protection both of the trade and the revenue to prevent the importation of tobacco in a very dry state. He should therefore on the following day, in Committee, propose a Resolution to the effect that the duty on unmanufactured tobacco imported into Great Britain, if containing less than 10 per cent, of moisture, should be 3s. 6d. per pound, instead of 3s. and 10 per cent.


said, he wished to know whether the right hon. Gentleman was prepared to take into consideration one important point—namely, the ingredients introduced into cavendish and negro-head tobacco? He was informed that the foreign manufacturer was allowed to introduce a quantity of saccharine matter and spirits into the tobacco, which rendered it more agreeable to the consumer, whereas at present the English manufacturer was not allowed to do so.


said, the Bill would establish a perfect equality, and the English manufacturer would, therefore, be allowed to introduce the sweetening ingredients in question.

Committee deferred till To-morrow.