HC Deb 03 March 1863 vol 169 c1028

said, he would beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury, Whether his attention has been called to the fact of one of the defendants, in a fishery prosecution instituted by the Irish Board of Fisheries, having sworn at a trial which took place during the present month at Arthurstown, county Wexford, that Mr. James Redmond Barry, one of the Commissioners, had written to him to the effect "that he was not a party to the prosecution against him for alleged illegal practices, and that the said prosecution was an unfair proceeding;" and to inquire whether the Secretary to the Treasury has taken any and what measures in consequence of the above proceeding on the part of Mr. Redmond Barry?


, in reply, said, that Mr. James Redmond Barry, one of the Irish Fishery Commissioners, had written a letter to one of the defendants in a fishery prosecution by that Board, and tried at Arthurstown, to the effect that he was not a party to such prosecution, and that he thought it was an unfair proceeding. But that letter he (Mr. Peel) understood was intended to be a private communication. There was no doubt that under the circumstances Mr. Barry had committed a breach of duty, and the Board had passed a Minute recording their opinion that the letter ought not to have been written.