HC Deb 26 June 1863 vol 171 c1524

said, he wished to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Whether he has reason to think that the instructions given to General Mouravieff by the Russian Government, on his appointment to the military command of the Army in the Government of Wilna, contained any such passages as the following: "If circumstances render it advisable, his Excellency can adopt measures against Families who possess members in the ranks of the insurgents." "His Excellency should oppose certain demonstrations of the women, and for their hindrance will even adopt severe measures against them."


Sir, I am quite sure my hon. Friend will see that it is quite impossible for me to answer such a question as he has put to me. He asks whether I have "reason to think" that the instructions given to General Mouravieff contain certain expressions. Of course, the Russian Government does not communicate to us the instructions it gives to its agents, and if I were to state merely what I think, I should only be misleading my hon. Friend and the House.