§ SELECT COMMITTEES—Malt Duties, appointed; Westminster New Palace Approaches, appointed.
§ Report—Poor Relief* [No. 383]; Kitchen and Refreshment Rooms (House of Commons)*, Third Report [No. 384].
§ PUBLIC BILLS—First Reading—Police and Improvement (Scotland) (Provisional Order)* [Bill 184].
§ Second Reading—Postmaster General (Sale of Land)* [Bill 174]
§ Committee—Vaccination (Scotland) [Bill 139]; Statute Labour Roads and Bridges (Scotland) [Bill 127] (No Report); Statute Labour Roads and Bridges (Scotland) Transfer [Bill 128] (No Report); Walmer Vesting* [Bill 170]; Port Erin Harbour (Isle of Man)* [Bill 123]
§ Report—Vaccination (Scotland); Walmer Vesting*; Port Erin Harbour (Isle of Man).*
§ Considered as amended—Savings Banks Acts Amendment [Sir Henry Willoughby] * [Bill 158 and 183]; Passengers Act Amendment* [Bill 143]; Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation * [Bill 148]; Sir Robert Hitcham's Charity* [Bill 160]; Ruthin Charities* [Bill 161].
§ Third Reading—London, &c. Dioceses (Lords) * [Bill 133]; Land Drainage (Provisional Orders)* [Bill 85]; and severally passed.