HC Deb 11 June 1863 vol 171 c705

said, he wished to ask the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies, Whether the Government of Singapore will shortly be transferred from the Indian to; the Colonial Department; and in the event of such transfer, whether it will entail any charge on the Imperial Exchequer?


said, in reply, that a deputation of gentlemen connected with the Straits Settlements had an interview with his noble Friend the Duke of Newcastle a few days ago, when they requested that the subject of transferring those Settlements to the Colonial Office might he again taken into consideration, representing that the revenues of Singapore and the other Settlements had been so far increased as to make it certain that no charge would fall upon the Imperial Treasury. In consequence of this, communications had been opened between the Indian and Colonial Departments, to see whether arrangements could he made for the transfer. He would at the same time remind the House that the arrange meat made on a former occasion failed solely on the ground that his noble Friend the Secretary of State was unwilling to bind the House to a Vote in aid of the revenues of Singapore.