HC Deb 23 July 1863 vol 172 c1278

said, he would beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether he intends to bring in, early next Session, a Bill founded on the Report of the majority of the Commissioners on Transportation and Penal Servitude; and, if not, what other steps will be taken by the Government for amending the Law of Secondary Punishments, with a view to render them more certain and efficient?


, in reply, said, he had already directed a Bill to be prepared embodying such of the recommendations of the Commissioners as involved a change of law, but it was too late now to do anything with it this Session. It would be brought forward early next year. As to the other recommendations of the Commissioners, which could be carried out under the present law by the executives Government, he had applied to the officials for information as to how far they were practicable.