HC Deb 13 July 1863 vol 172 c656

SELECT COMMITTEE—Malt (Excise Duty, &c.), nominated—(List of the Committee.)

SUPPLY—Resolutions [July 10] reported.

PUBLIC BILLS—Resolution in Committee—Fortifications (Provision for Expenses) [Payment to Bank of England.]

Ordered—Expiring Laws Continuance; Pauper Lunatic Asylums; Petty Sessions (Ireland).

First Reading—Turnpike Trusts Arrangements * [Bill 227]; Turnpike Acts Continuance, &c. * [Bill 228]; Jurisdiction of Justices (Lords) * [Bill 232]; Statute Law Revision (Lords) * [Bill 233]; Pauper Lunatic Asylums * [Bill 234]; Petty Sessions (Ireland) * [Bill 235].

Second Reading—Union Relief Aid Acts Continuance * [Bill 199].

Committee—Fortifications (Provision for Expenses) * [Bill 213]—R.P.; Companies Clauses * [Bill 209]; Railways Clauses * [Bill 208], on re-committal

Report—Companies Clauses * [Bill 229]; Railways Clauses * [Bill 230].

Considered as amended—India Stock * [Bill 212]; Nuisances Removal Act (1856) Amendment * [Bill 203 & 231].

Third Reading—Sydney Branch Mint * [Bill 217]; Alkali Works Regulation (Lords) * Bill 220]; Waywardens' Contracts (Lords) *; and severally passed.

Withdrawn—Court of Session (Scotland) [Bill 221].