HC Deb 08 July 1863 vol 172 c408

Order for Second Reading read.


, in moving that the Order of the Day for the Second Beading of this Bill be read, in order to its being discharged, said, that the object of the Bill, which he had introduced at an early period of the Session, was to authorize the establishment of a permanent Department to deal with new railway projects. The subject was admitted to be one deserving of consideration, and a Committee was appointed to inquire into it, and the Report of that Committee was now before the House. He should not now ask the House to read the Bill a second time; but if allowed to withdraw it, he should ask leave to introduce another Bill of a more limited character, which he hoped would be passed this Session. That Bill would give effect to two Resolutions agreed to by the Committee—one, that unopposed Bills might receive the sanction of the Legislature without the expense and risks attendant upon the present mode of proceeding in Parliament; and the other, that such projects might be referred to a department of the Board of Trade, to report whether the requisite conditions had been complied with.

Order discharged:—Bill withdrawn.