HC Deb 10 February 1863 vol 169 cc221-2

said, he desired to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether it is intended during the present Session to introduce any Bill with the view of improving the present system of licensing houses for music and dancing and for the sale of spirits?


said, he wished to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether he intends to propose any measure during the present Session for amending the laws by which the sale of intoxicating liquors is permitted and regulated?


said, the Government had a Bill in course of preparation which proposed to effect an alteration with regard to the sale of spirits and beer —that was to say, in the mode of licensing public-houses and beerhouses. It did not, however, go beyond that object. The only question with respect to licensing music and dancing houses which had been brought under his notice was, whether such licences should be granted to persons also holding licences for the sale of beer and spirits. He could not undertake to say when the Bill would be introduced. There was a Bill before the House, or about to be submitted to its notice immediately, on the part of the licensed victuallers of Liverpool, applicable to that large town and dealing with the licensing system. He thought it desirable that that Bill should be considered before a general measure dealing with the same subject was proposed for discussion.