HC Deb 09 February 1863 vol 169 c215

said, he rose to move the reappointment of the Select Committee to inquire into the present state of the Ecclesiastical Commission, and to report to the House whether the Ecclesiastical Revenues could not be more advantageously administered for the interests of the Church than at present. The Committee sat last year, and before the close of its labours collected a large amount of evidence; and not having time to complete their investigation, had agreed to a Report recommending the reappointment of the Committee this Session. There was further evidence which it was desirable should be taken before the Committee made its Report, but he did not apprehend that the inquiry would be of a protracted nature.

Motion agreed to.

Select Committee appointed, To inquire into the present state of the Ecclesiastical Commission, and to report to the House whether the Ecclesiastical Revenues cannot be more advantageously administered for the interests of the Church than they are at present.

House adjourned at Twenty minutes before Eight o'clock.