§ Bill, as amended, considered.
§ Clause added.
§ Another Clause (Registrar not to grant Licences for Marriage in certain cases,)— (Sir Edward Grogan,) —brought up, and read 1° 2°.
§ Amendment proposed, in line 1, after the word; "licence," to insert the words "or certificate of publication of notice."— (Mr. Butt.)
§ Question, "That those words be there inserted," put, and negatived.
§ Clause added.
§ Another Clause added.
§ Amendments made.
Another Amendment proposed,
In page 2, line 33, to leave out the words "5. When the Marriage is intended to be contracted in the office of the Registrar, he shall, in addition to sending a copy of the notice to the minister of the church, chapel, or registered place of public worship as aforesaid, forthwith suspend a copy of the notice, on a printed form properly and legibly filled up, in some conspicuous place in his office, and keep the same so suspended,—in the case of a Marriage intended to be celebrated by virtue of a certificate, for twenty-one days,— and in the case of a Marriage intended, to be celebrated by virtue of a licence, during seven days, next after the day of entry of the notice."—(Mr. Butt.)
§ Question put, "That the words proposed to be left out stand part of the Bill."
§ The House divided:—Ayes 70; Noes 50: Majority 20.
§ Another Amendment proposed, in page; 3, line 19, to leave out the word "twelve," and insert the word "two."—(Sir Hugh Cairns).
§ Question, "That the word 'twelve' stand part of the Bill," put, and negatived.
§ Word "two" inserted.
§ Further Proceeding adjourned till To-morrow.