MR. H. BERKELEYsaid, he wished to ask Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, If 676 the Contracts for carrying the Mails between Ostend and Calais are awarded to any party having tendered for the same; if so, the name of the party or parties obtaining the Contract, and the rate paid for the same, and whether such party or parties, if in possession of the Contract, have given security for it?
MR. PEELsaid, that to meet the case of the existing Contract not continuing beyond the month of June next—which question it was proposed to submit to the House—the Treasury had called for separate tenders for the conveyance of Mails between Dover and Ostend and Dover and Calais. The tender as between Dover and Calais had not been dealt with, but the tender of the Belgian Government for the conveyance of the Mails between Dover and Ostend had been accepted, subject to the condition of the House not giving its approval of the continuance of the existing Contract after June.