HC Deb 21 April 1863 vol 170 c467

said, he would beg to ask the noble Lord, Whether it is desirable for the public service, or, in fact, respectful to that House, that the chiefs of three Departments so important as the War Office, the Foreign Office, and the Admiralty should be concentrated in the House of Lords, and that the House of Commons should be left with only Under Secretaries to represent those Departments?


All I can say. Sir, is that it has been my endeavour to make the best arrangement for the public service, and one which appeared to me to combine as many advantages and as few objections as possible. I am quite aware that it would possibly be desirable that the distribution of the Secretaries of State between the two Houses should be different; but I am persuaded that this House will feel no inconvenience from the arrangement made, in regard to those proper and full explanations which are always duo to it on all matters connected with the public service.