MR. ASPINALL TURNERsaid, he would beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade, Why the Trade and Navigation Returns do not include the quantities of Foreign manufactured Paper imported into this country as well as the quantities of British manufactured Paper 1960 exported, and the quantities of Rags, &c, for making Paper imported; and whether he has any objection to furnish a Return of the quantity of Foreign Paper of all kinds imported each month since the Abolition of the Import Duty up to the end of April last?
§ MR. MILNER GIBSONin reply said, the reason why the Trade and Navigation Returns did not contain the quantity of Foreign Paper imported was that they were Returns of only the principal articles imported, and the Foreign Paper was not sufficiently large in quantity to justify its separate mention; but, should it become an important article of import, it would be duly specified. There would be no objection to give the Return for which the hon. Member asked if he would move for it.