MR. STANHOPEsaid, he wished to ask the Vice President of the Committee of Council of Education, If he has endeavoured to ascertain from those Inspectors of Schools who reported of the Schools inspected in 1860 that the following subjects were taught excellently, well, or fairly:—Reading in 89 per cent. writing in 90 per cent. arithmetic in 83 per cent; whether they applied that test to the merits of the Teachers or of the Scholars; and whether, if they applied it to the Scholars, they applied it to the whole of the School or only to the upper classes?
§ MR. LOWESir, the number of Inspectors that report to the Privy Council is about thirty-five, and it is perfectly well understood that it is not expected from them to examine every child individually. It is hardly possible—indeed, it is impossible—that they can remember the number of children that they have examined in each class in all the schools, and we have never thought it advisable to propose the questions suggested by the hon. Member.