HC Deb 07 March 1862 vol 165 c1158

said, he wished to ask the Secretary of State for War, Whether Her Majesty's Government will sanction the issue of clothing, at contract price, to regiments of Volunteers; also, whether they will consider the expediency of giving a contingent allowance per man (according to the strength of the corps at the annual inspection), in aid of the renewal of clothing and equipments?


In answer, Sir, to the question of the noble Lord, I may state that it is the intention of the Government to issue cloth to Volunteers at contract price, with 5 per cent for establishment and other charges. The War Office will undertake to supply one description of gray cloth to be decided on by a Committee of Volunteers. The cloth so furnished will be obtained from the Government at from 15 to 20 per cent less than it can be obtained from the trade. A circular will shortly be issued from the War Office on this subject.

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