§ Resolution reported.
§ SIR HENRY WILLOUGHBYsaid, he thought the proposed expenditure unwise because, assuming that there was danger from our neighbours, the object of the House should have been to get an iron squadron. But if £1,200,000 was to be spent, he contended that the mode of raising the money was inconvenient; and, again, there was no sufficient guarantee how the money was to be spent. There should be in the Bill not merely a schedule, but a specific estimate with every detail, and then, if hon. Members objected to a particular fort, they could discuss it with adequate information. There should also be a provision for a proper audit.
§ SIR JAMES ELPHINSTONEsaid, he wished to be informed when the discussion would be taken on the subject. It was desirable that the House should have before it the results of experiments lately made, which had shown that the largest guns might be used on board Captain Coles' cupola ship without jar or detriment to the vessel, thus upsetting the theory that ships could not carry as large guns as forts.
SIR GEORGE LEWISsaid, that he was anxious to introduce the Bill, which would be in exactly the same form as that of 1860, and he proposed to fix the second reading for the following Monday.
§ MR. MONSELLsaid, the objection to the Bill proposed was that it was exactly in the same unsatisfactory form as the Bill of 1860. If the precedent were followed, for instance, the twenty-two works at Plymouth would all be classed together, and there would be no separate detailed account for each of the ports.
§ MR. SOTHERON ESTCOURTsaid, it appeared to be the feeling of the House when the subject was last discussed, that the schedule to the former Bill was a very unsatisfactory one, and he hoped the right hon. Gentleman would be prepared with a detailed estimate.
§ Resolution agreed to.
Bill ordered to be brought in by Sir GEORGE LEWIS, Viscount PALMERSTON, and Lord CLARENCE PAGET.
Bill for providing a further sum towards defraying the expenses of constructing Fortifications for the protection of the Royal Arsenals and Dockyards and the ports of Dover and Portland, and of creating a Central Arsenal,
—presented, and read 1° to be read 2° on Monday next, and to be printed [Bill 168].
§ House adjourned at a quarter after Two o'clock.