§ Order for Second Reading read.
§ MR. KINNAIRDsaid, he was surprised that no notice had been taken of so important a Bill by any hon. Member on either side of the House. He greatly rejoiced at the prospect of the treaty, inasmuch as it gave promise of more effectually accomplishing that object—namely, the freedom of the African race:—for which this country had made such great sacrifices. Deeply deploring as he did the civil war raging in the United States, it was a great consolation to find in this Bill a justification of the hopes of those who saw in this war the beginning of the freedom of the 4,000,000 of coloured people in those States. It was highly honourable to the American Government, in the midst of the pressure of war, and the aggravated complications of their present condition, to have proposed such a treaty. According to the testimony of the noble Lord who introduced the measure, the American Government, of their own ac- 965 cord, and in the handsomest manner, proposed the treaty to England, and he entertained a fervent hope that the calamity which had overtaken that great country would be overruled to the overthrow of one of the most abominable systems which had ever disgraced humanity.
§ MR. SOTHERON ESTCOURTsaid, that silence gave consent, and because the House was not disposed at so late an hour to enter into a discussion upon the Bill, it was not to be supposed that they did not take an interest in the question, or did not fully appreciate the value of the concession made by the American Government.
§ MR. SEYMOUR FITZGERALDobserved that the Bill was not even printed.
§ VISCOUNT PALMERSTONsaid, the Bill was in accordance with the terms of the treaty.
§ Bill read 2°, and commuted for Thursday.
§ House adjourned at half after One o'clock.