HC Deb 20 June 1862 vol 167 c861

Order for Consideration read.


said, he wished to draw attention to a very extraordinary provision in the Bill. The 15th clause gave power to every police inspector to search anybody's house in the neighbourhood of any of the dockyards. That was a provision that ought to be modified, as he thought the ordinary power of a search-warrant was sufficient. He should therefore move the omission of the clause.


said, the proposal was not to give power to search the house of any one—it was only to search the houses of persons actually employed in the dockyards and of marine store dealers. He would, however, omit the clause.


said, he was surprised that so useful a measure should be impeded by the right hon. Gentleman on a mere technical objection.


said, that the Government first sold their stores with their marks upon them and then claimed the right to follow them all over the world. He hoped that would be provided against in the other House of Parliament.

Bill to be read 3o on Monday next.

House adjourned at One o'clock till Monday next.