§ Order for Second Reading read.
§ MR. ROLTsaid, he rose to move the second reading of the Bill. Its object might be shortly stated. It enabled evidence of the clear and indefeasible title of any landowner to be perpetuated without a register. The Bill proposed that any owner who had obtained a declaration of title should be at liberty to endorse his purchase deed on the certificate of title, and so every succeeding purchaser would be entitled to endorse his title on the conveyance of his grantor, and thus by a series of endorsements every dealing with the land would be shown. The Bill also provided that no deed not memorialized should be of any validity against a purchaser for value. The only difficulty would be as to the means of getting access to the deeds for the purpose of endorsing the memorial 265 upon them; but that was a question of detail that might he considered in Committee. He trusted the Government would not oppose the second reading of the Bill.
THE SOLICITOR GENERALsaid, he thought it quite obvious that the Bill could not have concurrent operation with the Government Bill; but as there would be ample opportunity of considering its provisions at a future stage, he did not intend to oppose the second reading.
§ Bill read 2°, and committed for Monday, 16th June.