HC Deb 30 July 1862 vol 168 c1006

said, he would beg to ask the Vice President of the Council of Education, Whether any and what steps have been taken to remedy the defective state of the Ventilation in the Government Schools, adverted to in the late Report of the Sanitary Comissioners; and whether the attention of the right hon. Gentleman has been called to the system of Mr. Cooke, the Engineer, of Spring Gardens, which has been applied to several public buildings, and among others the Colonnade Institution, Clare Market?


said, the Government took the greatest possible pains with respect to the ventilation of the Schools which they assisted in building, and they had no reason to believe that it was in a defective state. As to Mr. Cooke's process, he was not aware that it had been applied to the Colonnade Institution, Clare Market, but, of course, the Government were always open to any suggestions for effecting improvements.