HC Deb 18 July 1862 vol 168 c510

wished to call the attention of the House to the mode of proceeding which had been adopted in the conduct of the business that evening. It had last year been provided that Committee of Supply should on Fridays stand first among the Orders on the Notice Paper, and that certain subjects of which notice had been given should, upon the Motion for going into such Committee, be discussed in their order. The process, however, of interpolating Motions for Adjournment before that Motion was made, was completely to upset the regular arrangement for the conduct of business, thus giving those in whose names Motions stood last on the list an opportunity of bringing them forward to the prejudice of those who ought to have the precedence. That was a state of things, which, he thought, required a remedy.


thought a stop should be put to the practice of allowing Motions to take precedence of Orders on Fridays.

Motion, by leave, withdrawn.