HC Deb 07 July 1862 vol 167 c1496

said, he would beg to ask the Secretary of State for India, Whether any Resolution has recently been taken to introduce a permanent settlement of Land in India; and, if so, whether he will be prepared to lay upon the table of the House Copy of the Instructions forwarded to the Governor General for that purpose; and, if he is prepared to fix a day for introducing his annual Statement on Indian Finance?


Sir, when the hon. Gentleman brought to my notice some time ago the question of the permanent settlement of Land in India, I was not able to give an answer on the subject, inasmuch as it was under the consideration of the Indian Council. I am now happy to state that they have come to the conclusion to which the hon. Gentleman came long before—that it would be for the benefit of India that the system of permanent settlement of Land should be gradually introduced. I shall be happy to lay on the table the papers on the subject. With reference to the second question, I hope to be able to make the Indian financial statement on Monday next.