HC Deb 04 July 1862 vol 167 c1420

said, he rose to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Whether it be not true that amicable relations have been restored between this Country and the Republic of Paraguay; if so, whether there be any objection to produce the Correspondence between the authorities at Assumption and Mr. Thornton, Her Majesty's Minister at Parana; and if any Report has been received from Mr. Hutchinson, British Consul at Rosario, in reference to the Cotton-growing capabilities of that portion of the Rio Plata, in accordance with the instructions of the Foreign Office, co-operating with the Manchester Cotton Supply Association?


replied, that negotiations had been opened between Mr. Thornton and the President of the Republic of Paraguay, which led to the hope that very shortly friendly relations would be reestablished between the two countries. As yet the negotiations were only in progress; and, that being so, the Government could not lay the Papers on the table of the House. Mr. Hutchinson had not yet inspected the Cotton-growing districts. A request had been made by Her Majesty's Government that he might be allowed to inspect thorn; and when he had done so, he would make a Report.


said, he wished to ask whether, in the negotiations which have taken place, the claims of British subjects for compensation for the serious losses they have suffered have been considered; and, if so, whether those claims are to be met?


said, he was rejoiced at being able to say that there had been an offer to pay a certain sum, which, he believed, the claimants had agreed to accept.