HC Deb 14 February 1862 vol 165 cc273-4

said, he rose to ask the right hon. Gentleman the First Commissioner of Works, Whether there is any truth in the report that plans for a new National Gallery, to be erected on the Burlington House site, have been prepared, and that a vote for its erection is to be proposed to Parliament in the present Session; whether, in the event of such being the intentions of Government, the plans and elevation of the proposed building will be exhibited before any vote is proposed to Parliament; and whether any decision has been come to as to the purpose to which the present National Gallery is to be devoted.


said, that the enlargement of the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square had enabled the trustees to receive within the existing building the Turner Gallery, in strict fulfilment of the bequest of the late Mr. Turner, The consequence, however, was that the buildings in Trafalgar Square were so full that some arrange- ment must shortly be made to give increased accommodation to the national pictures. The subject had been very much under the attention of his department, and all possible means of accommodating those paintings had been considered, but at present the Government had not come to any decision in the matter.


asked, Whether in the event of any decision being come to, the plans would be laid on the table of the House before any steps were taken towards carrying them into execution.


That forms part of the subject on which the Government have not yet come to a decision.

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