§ MR. CAVENDISH BENTINCKsaid, he wished to ask the First Commissioner of Works, At whose request and for what purpose certain ornamental iron gates have lately been removed from Hampton Court Palace Gardens, and whether it is intended to restore such gates to their original position?
MR. COWPERsaid, there were in Hampton Court Palace gardens certain richly-wrought iron railings, which had been put up in the time of William and Mary. These railings were greatly deteriorated by age, and were fast decaying. Corrosion went on under the paint; and so, in order to preserve these very beautiful specimens of English ironwork, they had been removed to London, with a view to their restoration. Afterwards they were to be exhibited in Kensington Museum, where they would form an important feature in the exhibition of English ironwork, and ultimately such portions as it was thought possible to replace would be set 244 up again in the gardens, preserved, he hoped, from the decay which at present threatened to destroy them altogether.