HC Deb 17 May 1861 vol 162 c2194

said, he wished to ask, Whether Troops have been moved from Montreal to the Cornwall and Beauharnois Canals, and whether the locks on the St. Lawrence Canals are guarded by the Military? Also whether it is true that the Commander-in-Chief in Canada has made a requisition for a large addition to the force now in Canada, and, if so, with what result?


said, the Secretary for War had received no official information as to the removal of troops from Montreal; but he had received private information that about 100 men had been moved from that place. With respect to the question as to whether any requisition had been made by the Commander-in-Chief of Her Majesty's Forces in Canada for a larger body of men, he had to say that representations were made some time ago for a larger force, it not being so large as it had been formerly. In point of fact, two years ago the force was reduced to only one regiment of the Lino and the Canadian Rifles. In consequence of information recently received, the Secretary for War intended to send out one battalion to Canada, thereby restoring the number of the troops to what it had previously been.