HC Deb 07 May 1861 vol 162 c1651

said, he would now beg to ask the Secretary of State for India, What steps the Government intend to take consequent on a Despatch from India, dated the 22nd of February last, in which it is stated that "a state of things is possible, or rather probable, in which, in the event of funds not being supplied from home, in anticipation, to carry on the Railway Works, the Government of India would have no alternative but to order their abrupt and complete suspension?"


said, he was very sorry that the statement referred to by the hon. Baronet had been published, because it had excited a considerable degree of apprehension, which he believed was totally unfounded. There was not the least intention of allowing the railway works now in progress in India to be stopped. Those works had been carried on last year to the full extent that could be executed, the whole expenditure incurred for them during that year having been £8,300,000, of which sum there was received from the shareholders £5,800,000. He believed it would be equally detrimental to the interests of the shareholders, the Government, and the public if those works were suspended.


said, he wished to know, whether it is intended to continue the branch of the Great Indian Peninsular Railway into the cotton districts?


said, the works along the whole line from Bombay into the interior of the cotton-growing country would be carried on as rapidly as possible.