HC Deb 06 May 1861 vol 162 c1564

said, he wished to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, If that portion of Canon 29, which forbids a parent from being admitted to answer as Godfather for his own child will be altered or repealed by the Convocation of Canterbury, according to the Royal Licence granted to them under the advice of Her Majesty's Government, whether such alteration or repeal will have the effect of relieving the Members of the Church in the province of Canterbury from the obligation now lying upon them in reference to Sponsors?


said, the Convocation of the province of Canterbury had received a Licence from Her Majesty to alter or repeal the 29th Canon; but since then they had not submitted to the Crown any Legislative Act in consequence of the permission thus given to them. Therefore no practical question had arisen for the determination of the Government or upon which they could form any opinion. As to the hypothetical legal question involved in the interrogatory of the hon. Member he believed that an opinion had been expressed by high legal authorities that, even if this Canon were repealed there would still be the ancient law of the Church in force which would have the same corresponding effect. That, however, was a point on which it was impossible for him to give any opinion of his own.