§ SIR MORTOIT PETOsaid, he wished to ask the First Commissioner of Works, What proceedings have been taken in the purchase of land or otherwise for the purpose of forming the Finsbury Park pursuant to the Act 20 & 21 Viet., c. 150; and if no steps have been taken, whether they will be taken so as to carry out the provisions of the Act—namely, five years from its passing in 1857, or whether it is intended to apply for powers to extend the time for carrying out the same?
MR. COWPERsaid, that no steps appeared to have been taken by the Metropolitan Board of Works in reference to the formation of the Park, but a Resolution was passed some few years ago by that Board which stated that it was inexpedient to take any steps for the formation of the Park until the Board of Works was placed in possession of funds other than those derived from the direct taxation of the ratepayers. He was not aware what steps had been taken in reference to the extension of the powers of the Act, 1960 which expires in 1862. He might say, however, that no opposition would be given to any proposal to extend their powers beyond 1862.
§ On Motion that the House go into Committee of Supply,