HC Deb 21 June 1861 vol 163 c1464

said, he rose to cull attention to the Report of the Royal Commission on Army Estimates, and to ask the Under Secretary of State for War if it be intended to adopt that portion of the Report of the Royal Commission on the present system of Recruiting the Army, which recommend that a pair of regulation boots, two shirts, two pair of socks, and one towel shall be supplied every year to the soldier; and one pair of summer trousers, one forage cap, one stock and clasp, every alternate year, at the public charge; and if so from what date such, alteration will take effect? He certainly thought that two of the recommendations of that Committee deserved the attention both of the House and the country—namely, that portion which had reference to the getting rid of all the lying and quibbling, and sometimes almost kidnapping that formerly prevailed in the army, but which had now been put a stop to, as well by the recommendation of the Committee as by the order of the Commander-in-Chief? The other point was one which was of great importance to the soldier, and the hon. and gallant General contended that the best of all substitutes for increase of pay to the soldier was the finding him good clothes.