HC Deb 17 June 1861 vol 163 c1172

said, he wished to inquire of the hon. and learned Attorney General, Whether, as there has as yet been no statement from the Government upon the subject, though notice has been given on the part of the lion, and learned Gentleman to bring in a Bill, he will put it as the first Order for Thursday, and make a statement as to the manner in which the Government propose to carry out their scheme? He would also call the hon. and learned Gentleman's attention to the Preamble of the Bill which the House was invited to pass, and which stands for a third reading. That Preamble contains the declaration that the House approves of the entire scheme which the Attorney General intends to submit.


said, it was about three months since he had given notice of a Motion to bring in a Bill on this subject. He had begged and entreated that he might have an opportunity of bringing in that Bill, but the exigencies of the public business had been such that no opportunity had as yet been afforded him. He would mention the matter to his noble Friend at the head of the Government, and he hoped that an opportunity would be given him to bring the Bill in next Thursday. In the meantime the third reading of the Bill which had been referred to had better stand over.