MR. HENLEYsaid, that the Highways Bill had been fixed for the morning sitting on Friday. When the Bill passed the second reading at an early hour in the morning, it was understood that an opportunity should be given of discussing it in Committee. He (Mr. Henley) presumed that the right hon. Gentleman did not recal this circumstance when he fixed the Committee for a morning sitting, and he hoped the right hon. Gentleman would give them an opportunity of having that discussion in an evening sitting.
SIR GEORGE LEWISsaid: If the right hon. Gentleman altogether objected to a morning sitting he would not insist upon it. It appeared from the communications made to him that that time would be convenient for many lion. Members. If it did not come on on Friday next it should be postponed to some uncertain future day, but he was entirely in the bands of the House, and would take what course was thought proper. If it was thought that a morning sitting would not be the best for the Highways Bill, in that case he would fix the London Corporation Coal Duties Bill for Friday morning.