HC Deb 11 June 1861 vol 163 c937

said, he wished to ask the "Under Secretary of State for War, Whether it is true that three more Regiments of Infantry and a force of Artillery are under orders for North America, and that the Great Eastern Steam-ship has been engaged for their transport; and, if so, for what locality they are destined, and whether they are to be paid for from the Imperial or Colonial Treasury; and if from the former, whether such expenses has been provided for in the Estimates?


said, that two regiments, in addition to the regiment before under orders for Canada, had been directed to proceed to that country, as well as a field battery of artillery. He believed, although he had no positive information of the fact, that the troops were to proceed in the Great Eastern steam-ship. With respect to the payment of these troops, he had to state that it was already provided for in the Votes of that House, and no additional expenditure would be incurred on that account. There would be no extra allowance made to those troops, and the cost of their transport would be included in the Navy and not in the Army Estimates.