HC Deb 09 July 1861 vol 164 c623

said, he rose to ask Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, If he will postpone the Inland Revenue Bill, which stands for Friday at Twelve o'clock, until some day next week. There were important enactments in the Bill, and many hon. Members, as well as himself, wished for time to make themselves fully informed of its contents before it came for discussion. He also thought it would be more agreeable if the Bill was taken at the evening sitting?


said, his wish had been to name a day which would give ample time for hon. Members to consider the provisions of the Bill, but he had no objection to fix it for the 19th. He could not name a later period consistently with going forward with Supply. He did not expect that the Bill would take any great length of time, for, although some of its provisions were important, yet in his view they were almost all of them provisions of relaxation and accommodation. If any question should give rise to much controversy he should be inclined to postpone its consideration to a future Session.