COLONEL DICKSONsaid, he hoped before the hon. Gentleman replied to the Question of the hon. and gallant Member for Limerick he would permit him to ask, Whether it is the intention of the Government to call out the Irish Militia Regiments for training this season; whether the Lords-Lieutenants of Counties will be consulted as to the most convenient season 937 for doing so; and whether new clothing will be issued to those Regiments which are entitled to it?
MR. T. G. BARINGreplied, that it was the intention of the Government to call out for training in the present year those regiments of Irish Militia which and not been recently embodied. The Irish Executive would, of course, be apprised of the intentions of the Government; and he had no doubt that the Lords Lieutenants of counties would be consulted as to the detailed arrangements for that purpose. The clothing was in preparation, and he believed he might say that it was ready for distribution.
With respect to the Question put by the hon. and gallant Member for Limerick, be could state that the reports received with reference to the Armstrong guns in China were very satisfactory. They entered into numerous points of detail connected with the fuses and different portions of the gun; but he must say that he did not see any advantage in presenting these reports to Parliament He should be very happy to show them either to the hon. and gallant Gentleman or to any other Member who might wish to see them, but he believed it would not be advisable to lay them on the table. The House would, however, be glad to know that in the Report of the Ordnance Select Committee to whom these communications were referred, it was stated that —
All the defects either have been corrected or are in process of correction, while not any brought to light by this short campaign were entirely new.