HC Deb 22 February 1861 vol 161 c809

said, that in reference to a Question put to him by the hon. Gentleman, the Member for Truro; (Mr. A. Smith), he wished to observe that I the House would recollect that during the course of the last Session, a Committee had been appointed to consider whether any reductions might not be effected in the Miscellaneous Estimates. He had the honour of being Chairman of that Committee. The advanced period of the Session, however, did not allow time for such a consideration of the subject as was desirable. That Committee adopted a Report which was laid before the House, and which contained a paragraph recommending the re-appointment of the Committee in the present year. If it was the wish of that House that the consideration of this subject should be proceeded with in the present Session, he had no objection to move for the re-appointment of the Committee, and to give it all the services in his power.