§ MR. H. B. SHERIDANsaid, he would now beg to ask the First Lord of the Treasury if it is the intention of the Imperial Government to deduct the English Income Tax from the interest payable on Promissory Notes of the Indian Government, where such interest is payable in this country by Drafts on the Indian Treasuries; whether it is the intention of Her Majesty's Ministers to allow the Indian 1717 Government to deduct Indian Income Tax from the interest payable on Promissory Note; of the Indian Government after English Income Tax has been already deducted from such interest in this country; or whether, in other words, interest on Indian Promissory Notes is subject to a double Income Tax?
MR. T. G. BARINGsaid, in answer to the first question of the hon. Gentleman, that the Indian Office acted ministerially for the Board of Inland Revenue. Whether the English income tax would be deducted was a legal point upon which he must decline to give any opinion. It would be premature to give an answer to the second question until the Indian income tax Bill arrived in this country. The answer to the third question would be found in his answer to the other two.