HC Deb 14 May 1860 vol 158 c1204

said, he rose to ask the Secretary to the Treasury if he will furnish a Statement of the amount which has been, up to this time, expended of the £20,000 voted last year for the improvement of Portpatrick Harbour; a similar statement with respect to the sum of £5,000 voted for Donaghadee; and by what time it may be expected that the improvements will be completed?


said, that no portion of the £20,000 for the improvement of Portpatrick Harbour had been yet expended. The tenders were only sent in a short time ago, and a tender was accepted for £19,800. The works had been commenced, and he believed the contractor bound himself to complete them in about a year, perhaps by July next, but certainly some time next year. With regard to Donaghadee, he believed about £2,500 of the sum voted had been expended. A good deal of that work was work which would proceed rather more slowly, and lie was told about two years would elapse before the whole was completed.