HC Deb 26 March 1860 vol 157 c1241
MR. ELLICE (Coventry)

said, that a question was asked last Friday of the right hon. Gentleman the Secretary for War respecting the changes made in the Staff of the Army; and he observed that he had seen a statement in a newspaper that an Officer had been moved three successive steps on the Staff, and asked whether that statement was correct. The gallant Officer in question, Colonel Connolly, supposed himself aggrieved by something be said on that occasion, though be took especial pains to avoid the expression of any opinion either with respect to the Officer, the appointment, or the transaction altogether, with respect to which he had thought it his public duty to ask an explanation. He was extremely sorry that the Officer in question supposed that any reflection on him was intended. He believed that Officer to be both very gallant and meritorious, and very fitly selected for appointment, though it had struck him that these successive changes of appointment required explanation.

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