HC Deb 16 March 1860 vol 157 c729

In reply to Mr. PACKE,


stated that the question of the Malt Duty was no doubt very interesting to those concerned; but it was not one of special importance with regard to any contemplated change of the Law, and therefore the position in which he stood was this, that it would be most inconvenient to the public service to keep the Customs Bill waiting for the Malt Resolutions to be decided, and it would be almost impossible for him to give adequate time for debating the question if it came on at a late period of the Session. Therefore, unless he could get rid of the question to-night by an early vote, be proposed to drop it altogether from the present Bill, and to bring on the question at some convenient period after Easter, when there would be an opportunity for full consideration.

On Motion that the House at rising adjourn till Monday,