HC Deb 01 March 1860 vol 156 c2095

MR. MACKINNON moved for a Select Committee to take into consideration the provisions and practicability of the Masters and Operatives Bill, and whether any improvement could be made in the measure.


said, the Bill not having yet been read the second time, it was contrary to the practice of the House that it should be referred to a Select Committee. The right course for the hon. Gentleman to take would be to move for a Committee to inquire into the subject to which the Bill related, and then, if he thought fit, he might bring the provisions of the measure before the attention of such Committee.


said, this subject had been fully investigated by a Select Committee only a year or two ago, and it would now be idle to send it before another Committee. The reference of that particular Bill to a Select Committee was, however, quite a distinct question.

Motion agreed to.

Select Committee appointed, "to take into consideration the best means of settling disputes between Masters and Operatives."