HC Deb 08 June 1860 vol 159 c191

said, he wished to ask the Secretary of State for War, Whether the Warrant of October 1st, 1858, giving to army surgeons the rank of majors, was meant to be retrospective? He admitted that the medical officers of the army were entitled to every consideration, but he thought it hard that non-combatant officers should have all the privileges of field officers. He thought that it would be sufficient to give surgeons the rank of junior major. According to the present understanding, a major who was acting commanding officer of his regiment might find the surgeon of the regiment senior in rank to himself.


Perhaps I may be allowed to answer a Question put by an hon. and gallant Member, who asked when the Report of the Commissioners on the National Defences would be laid upon the table. The Report is here, and my right hon. Friend will lay it on the table in the course of the evening. I wish at the same time to state that it will be my duty, at an early day, to submit to the House the course which Her Majesty's Government intend to recommend to Parliament with regard to the matters which are treated of in that Report.