HC Deb 08 June 1860 vol 159 c175

said, he would beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Homo Department, Whether it is his intention to introduce a Bill this Session based upon the Report of the Committee upon the Corrupt Practices Prevention Act?


said, that as the Corrupt Practices Prevention Act expired on the 10th of August next it would be necessary that some legislation should take place on the subject during the present Session. The Report of the Committee having been issued only yesterday the Government had not had time to examine the recommendations which it contained. No time, however, would be lost in considering the subject, and, as far as he was concerned, he would be ready to propose to the House some measure founded on that Report if there were any chance of there being time during the present Session for its consideration.

MR. LAING moved, That the House at its rising do adjourn till Monday next.

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