HC Deb 06 February 1860 vol 156 c560

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, What course the Government have taken in reference to the State Dues, and how far they have acted in accordance with the Report of the Committee appointed in the last Parliament to consider the subject?


In answer to the hon. Gentleman I beg to state that I found that an opinion upon this subject had been given by the law officers of the late Government, I thought it proper, however, that the matter should be further investigated, and I submitted the question to the present Law Officers of the Crown. Their report, which is a very learned and able one, is to the effect that the only practical mode of dealing with the State Dues is to negotiate with a view to compensation being given for their remission. I have accordingly proposed to the Hanoverian Government that the treaty, which will expire in the course of a month, should be renewed for a few months longer, with the view of negotiating, in conjunction with the other States interested in the question, for the abolition of the dues on the ground of redemption,

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