§ SIR ERSKINE PERRYin moving an Address for Copy of Financial Despatches between the Government of India and the Secretary of State for India, respecting new loans required for India said, he would take that opportunity of asking a question in reference to the Indian Loan Bill, and to the course which the noble Lord the Secretary for India proposed to take now that a new loan had been announced. Would a new Bill be introduced, or would the loan be obtained under the Bill now before the House?
LORD STANLEYsaid, he took it for granted that the House would not wish that the Debate which was then pending should be interrupted by any other business. But after it should have been brought to a conclusion he would take the earliest opportunity of stating the course which the Government would be prepared to take with regard to the new East India Loan.
§ Motion agreed to.
Address for
Copy of Financial Despatches between the Government of India and the Secretary of State for India, respecting new loans required for India (in continuation of Parliamentary Papers, Nos. 55 and 69, of the present Session):
And, of all Notifications of the Government of India concerning the Public Debt (in continuation of Parliamentary Paper, No. 179, of Session 1858).