HC Deb 28 March 1859 vol 153 c915

—Sir, before the House proceeds to the Orders of the Day I have to ask its indulgence for a few minutes. At the close of the debate on Friday night the noble Lord the Member for Tiverton (Viscount Palmerston) said, that I had misstated the proposal made by the Austrian Government with reference to Italy in 1848, and that that offer was only that Lombardy should he constituted a Duchy, under the control of an Austrian Grand Duke. In consequence of the confusion occasioned by the departure of Members from the House, I have been reported to have said that I acknowledged I was mistaken. I made no such acknowledgment, nor do I intend to do so. On the 24th of May, which was a date subsequent to that to which the noble Lord referred, the following offer was made to him, as appeared from paper No. 377 among the documents relating to those occurrences:— BARON HUMMELAUER TO VISCOUNT PALMERSTON, London, May 24, 1848. My Lord,—In conformity with the permission which, you were good enough to give mo, I enclose herewith a statement of the principles which would form the basis of an arrangement of the Lombardo-Piedmontese question. (Enclosure in No. 377.) Lombardy would cease to belong to Austria, and would be free either to remain independent or to unite herself to any other Italian State she-might choose. To that communication the noble Lord replied on the 3rd June, that unless Venice was included he would not make that the basis of an arrangement.