MR. JAMESsaid, he rose to ask Mr. Attorney General whether the attention of Her Majesty's Government has been drawn to the large arrear of Causes waiting for judicial decision in the Divorce and Matrimonial Causes Court; and whether they are prepared to propose any measure, by the appointment of additional Judges or 689 otherwise, to remedy the delay now so much complained of.
THE ATTORNEY GENERALsaid, his attention had been for some time past directed to the subject to which the question of his hon. and learned Friend referred. It was however a subject attended with considerable difficulty. By the Act of Parliament under which the Court was constituted power was given to summon to its aid the Chief Justices and the other Judges of Common Law sitting in the Superior Courts at Westminster; but it was found that, by reason of their other numerous and important duties, their attendance at this new tribunal in adequate numbers and with sufficient frequency was wholly impracticable. Under these circumstances he thought it would be better to make certain inquiries, and upon the result of those inquiries, which would come before them in a few days, he proposed to submit the whole matter to Her Majesty's Government, who he was sure would take it into their serious consideration.