HC Deb 17 March 1859 vol 153 cc294-5

said, he had then to move for leave to bring in a Bill to amend the law relating to the conveyance of lands for Charitable Uses. This was a subject which had often been before the House, and the principle of the Bill had been sanctioned so frequently that it was wonderful it had not become law. The last Bill, like the present one, passed two years ago, was allowed to be on the table of the other House unnoticed, but he hoped this Bill would meet with a different fate.


said, that until the Bill was printed it would be impossible for the Government to know what it proposed to do. The hon. Member had not explained his measure. The law respecting lands in mortmain and for charitable uses was very important, and the Bill would require great consideration. It was not the desire of the Government, however, to throw any impediment in the way of the Bill being laid upon the table.

Leave given.

Bill to amend the Law relating to the Conveyance of Lands for Charitable Uses, ordered to be brought in by Mr. HADFIELD, Mr. MALINS, and Mr. ATHERTON.